Different Types Of Cosmetic Dental Procedures In Texas

Do you often find yourself covering your mouth when you smile? Or, try to avoid getting clicked? If yes, you may suffer from a stained or broken tooth or other oral health problems.

Whatever the reason, we understand that having a perfect, flawless smile is among the most crucial aspects of a healthy life. After all, your teeth are one of the first things that people notice in you.

The significance of a perfect smile has led many to turn to cosmetic dentistry in Texas. Cosmetic dentistry has allowed many to transform their look, adding to their confidence and appeal in their lifestyle.

This blog aims to explore the different cosmetic dentistry treatments while giving you an insight into the procedure. Let’s understand more about it in the following sections.

But, Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right For Me?

Cosmetic dentistry is a dental practice that focuses on improving the appeal and aesthetics of your smile. Once you opt for treatment, a cosmetic orthodontics expert will subject your teeth to different treatments (based on your requirements). With different steps involved in the treatment, it aims to create a symmetrical, more balanced, and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Cosmetic dentistry can be a great option if you’re looking to:

  • Brighten damaged or discolored teeth fix fractures and breaks in teeth
  • Close up any spaces between teeth.
  • Correct crowded teeth
  • Replace missing teeth and reshape broken teeth.
  • If you want to replace crowns and fillings.

Considering that your present oral conditions match one of these problems, let’s look at some of the commonly practiced cosmetic dentistry treatments by dentists in Navarro.

Different Types Of Cosmetic Dental Procedures In Texas

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is among our list’s most common and least intrusive cosmetic dental treatments. Regardless of how carefully you care for your teeth, most people will eventually develop stains or discolorations over time. This is brought on by certain meals and beverages, a few prescription drugs, and tobacco products.

You get up to 8x brighter teeth in a few sessions when opting for a teeth whitening treatment. Besides, thanks to several over-the-counter teeth whitening kits, you can also whiten your teeth at the convenience of your home. However, applicants must visit their cosmetic dentistry clinic for better results.

Porcelain Veneers

Unknown to many, a majority of celebrities have porcelain veneers. This is a popular option for people with dull or yellow teeth or those with gaps between them.

These appliances are customized according to oral settings or teeth procedures and are generally cemented to the tooth’s front side to renew its look. Besides, porcelain veneers are common for people with chipped, damaged, or misaligned teeth, as oral settings don’t react to conventional whitening techniques.

Porcelain Bridges

A missing tooth can harm more than just your self-esteem; it can also impact your oral health. Missing a tooth or teeth causes your remaining teeth to move and result in further issues in the future. 

Interestingly, this is where a porcelain bridge steps in as a preventive, aesthetic, and restorative cosmetic surgery for teeth. In this procedure, your dentist constructs a bridge using the teeth on each side of the gap to support your new dental implant

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Not that long ago, silver was the only material available for fillings. Your dentist may now use tooth-colored fillings to repair or replace outdated cavities. 

Thanks to technological advancements, dentists may now employ a resin made of porcelain that closely resembles a patient’s real teeth. These tooth-colored fillings safeguard your teeth, are virtually undetectable, and help stop additional tooth decay. 


Dentistry and teeth treatment advancements have replaced Invisalign with conventional metal braces. These braces, also called “clear braces,” straighten teeth without needing metal wires and braces. They are made of transparent BPA-free plastic trays.

Patients often receive 20–30 sets of trays during their therapy. Each pair of trays is intended to move a specific tooth area into the ideal position. Treatment with Invisalign typically lasts 12 to 18 months, while some patients complete it in less time.


Our teeth put in a lot of effort for us, and due to continuous use, they may chip, shatter, or even lose their form. Bonding is a cheap and non-invasive cosmetic procedure that your dentist could suggest.

Cosmetic dental services use porcelain resin to mold and polish your teeth to match or modify their color. Bonding is used to modify the form and length of your teeth and close minor gaps between them. Unlike veneers, this process can be completed in one visit.

Now You Know!

This brings us to the end of our blog on the different types of cosmetic dental procedures in Texas. So now that you have an idea of the different dental procedures that can give you a flawless smile, when do you plan to visit your cosmetic dentist? 

Let’s Re-engineer Your Smile!

Gone are the days when you had to struggle with your smile! With professionals at Navarro Dental Center, you no longer need to worry about your smile. Come, schedule an appointment, or call 903-872-1661 to know more.